Life Throws You a Willy

I was out for a shuffle and realized that sometimes, you just don’t see it coming. It was early Monday morning when I headed out the door dressed in my shuffle shorts, shoes, and shirt.  That’s a lot of S’s at a time when the only ‘S’ I really wanted was sleep. Shortly into my…

When the Jiggler Jiggles

I was at the airport the other day and while I saw a lot of what makes everyday life funny, I discovered that the little something here and there isn’t as stable as it used to be. When I arrived at the gate, there were many seats available and very few people in sight. I…

Dog Jog

After my fitness tracker stopped working and Fitbit wouldn’t flip the switch to fix it, I decided that I needed to do a little more physical activity, otherwise I would ‘just stay fat.’ I used to be a runner.  Now that I think about it, runners can usually run a decent distance and supposedly, they…


I made some new friends this week.  I wasn’t in the market for any because I like the ones I have, but these friends just kind of happened. And for a while, I was having trouble keeping up. Several years ago I received a fitness tracker as a gift.  It was an upgrade from the…

A League of Their Own

About two years ago I saw an ad in the local paper about a clinic where you could learn to play pickleball.  It, and I mean pickleball-not the clinic, is all the rage in the area where I live so I thought I’d give it a try.  At the end of the session, a few…